Federal Trade Commission Implements Annual Adjustments to Hart-Scott-Rodino Notification Thresholds

February 23, 2022 | Comments Off on Federal Trade Commission Implements Annual Adjustments to Hart-Scott-Rodino Notification Thresholds
Posted by Craig P. Ismaili

Co-Authored by John L. Sikora

The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”)’s adjusted notification thresholds for the Hart-Scott-Rodino Anti-Trust Improvement Act of 1976 (“HSR Act”) for 2022 have gone into effect beginning February 23, 2022. The “size of the transaction” thresholds have increased to $101 million (from $92 million) and $403.9 million (from $368 million), and the “size of the person” thresholds have increased to $20.2 million (from $18.4 million) and $202 million (from $184 million). The new thresholds apply to transactions that close on or after February 23, 2022, while the prior “size of the transaction” and “size of the person” thresholds will apply to transactions closing before February 23, 2022.

The HSR Act requires the parties to a merger or other M&A transaction to file a notification of the transaction with the FTC and the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) if the transaction meets the “size of the transaction” test and the parties meet the “size of the person” test. These dollar threshold are adjusted annually based on changes to the United States gross domestic product.

Notification is required if (a) the transaction is valued at more than $403.9 million, regardless of the size of the parties; or (b) a transaction is valued at more than $101 million, but not more than $403.9 million, and, generally, one party has total assets or annual net sales of at least $20.2 million and the other party has total assets or annual net sales of at least $202 million  cancel diamond timeshare.

If notification is required, the FTC and DOJ will have 30 days from the date on which both parties file their notices to review the competitive effects of the transaction. Prior to the expiration of this 30-day review period, the FTC or DOJ may make an additional request for documents or information from either or both parties. The parties will not be permitted to close the transaction until the 30-day review period expires, or if the FTC or the DOJ has made an additional document or information request, until 30 days after the agencies confirm that the additional request has been satisfied in full. In the past, parties filing HSR Act notifications ordinarily could request an “Early Termination” of the 30-day waiting period. However, the FTC and DOJ announced, on February 4, 2021, that they were temporarily suspending the Early Termination practice during the transition to the new Biden administration. The agencies have not yet announced when they will resume the Early Termination practice.

The FTC also announced that the maximum civil penalty amount for failure to comply with the premerger notification rules of the HSR Act has increased to $46,517 per day, from $43,792 per day.

Parties negotiating a merger or acquisition of a size close to or above the HSR Act thresholds should seek the advice of antitrust counsel to determine whether premerger notification is required. This update is not to be considered legal advice, and is intended for educational purposes only. For more information regarding the Hart-Scott-Rodino Anti-Trust Improvement Act or the premerger notification rules, please contact John L. Sikora, Esq. at 732-219-5499 or jsikora@ghclaw.com, or Craig P. Ismaili, Esq. at 732-224-6554 or cismaili@ghclaw.com.